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Cursor: Customize Your Sidebar Like VS Code

If you’re transitioning from VS Code to Cursor Editor and miss the familiar sidebar layout, you’re not alone. In VS Code, the sidebar is on the left side and has that small but helpful git icon that shows how many files have been changed. In Cursor, if you collapse the sidebar, you can’t access it anymore since it moves to the top.

Let’s compare the default Cursor layout with VS Code’s interface:

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

How to Make Cursor’s Sidebar More Like VS Code

1. Open Up Cursor Settings

  • Launch Cursor Editor
  • Press ⌘ Shift P and type in Preferences: Open User Settings

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

2. Change Where the Sidebar Shows Up

  • Search for activity bar in the settings search box
  • Look for the Activity Bar: Position setting
  • Switch it from horizontal to vertical

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

3. Check It Out

Now your sidebar sits on the left, just like in VS Code!

Bonus Tip: Make Cursor Look More Like VS Code

I found Cursor’s default theme (Anysphere Dark) a bit too dark for my taste. If you’re like me and prefer VS Code’s look, here’s how to change it:

1. Get to the Theme Settings

Open up the command palette again (⌘ Shift P) and look for Preferences: Color Theme

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

2. Pick VS Code’s Theme

Choose Dark+ (Default Dark+) from the list

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

And there you have it! Now your Cursor looks pretty much identical to VS Code

Cursor VS Code Sidebar

Published 2 Mar 2025

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