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Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

If you notice, the current jira.trungk18.com is using a rich text HTML editor. This tutorial will help you to create one using ngx-quill.

That’s how a rich text editor looks.

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

See all tutorials for Jira clone

Source code and demo

  1. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-markdown-editor-jira
  2. text-editor.component.html

Rich Editor Module

Like a markdown text editor, I will reuse a rich text editor in many places on a web application. So that I will create a brand new module, RichTextEditorModule, for that purpose. At the moment, it will have only one component, RichTextEditorComponent.

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

There is not much code inside its module and component.


  selector: 'rich-text-editor',
  templateUrl: './rich-text-editor.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./rich-text-editor.component.css'],
export class RichTextEditorComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor() {}
  ngOnInit() {}


  imports: [CommonModule],
  exports: [RichTextEditorComponent],
  declarations: [RichTextEditorComponent],
export class MarkdownEditorModule {}

No worry, we will add more code to the component. 😆


To build a rich text editor from scratch could take me the same time to make the whole Jira clone application. That’s why I am utilizing ngx-quill.

ngx-quill is an angular module for the Quill Rich Text Editor containing all components you need.


npm install ngx-quill

For projects using Angular < v5.0.0, please run.

npm install [email protected]

Basic Usage

1. Import QuillModule into your AppModule

  imports: [

class AppModule { ... }

2. Import QuillModule into RichTextEditorModule

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { RichTextEditorComponent } from './rich-text-editor.component'
import { QuillModule } from 'ngx-quill'

  imports: [CommonModule, QuillModule],
  declarations: [RichTextEditorComponent],
  exports: [RichTextEditorComponent],
export class RichTextEditorModule {}

3. Import quill themes CSS into styles.scss

@import '~quill/dist/quill.core.css';
@import '~quill/dist/quill.snow.css';

Build our customize rich text editor component

I can now use in the RichTextEditorComponent. I will go ahead and place that HTML in my component template. I set a class name content-editor so that I can style it later.

<quill-editor class="content-editor" [placeholder]="''"> </quill-editor>

See the result. Because quill is a compelling library, the rendered component has a textbox and most of the default toolbar button available for us.

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

My job now is pretty simple to customize the component with only the button that I need and some CSS styling.

Toolbar configuration

Below is the current configuration that I use for one toolbar row with some basic commands.

export const QuillConfiguration = {
  toolbar: [
    ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
    ['blockquote', 'code-block'],
    [{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }],
    [{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }],
    [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }],

And then I passed it down to modules input of the quill-editor


That’s the result with lesser command.

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

Noted that by default, ngx-quill will render a short textarea, and it will automatically expand to fill the height as you type. You might want to set a default min-height. I did set default 120px.

  [styles]="{'min-height': '120px'}"

I guess it looks right now. The leftover part is to connect it with a form :)

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor

Connect RichTextEditorComponent to a form

ngx-quill provided support for both ReactiveForms and TemplateForm. I shifted only to use ReactiveForms. That’s why I will follow a similar approach as the Markdown component to take a FormControl as an Input.

export class RichTextEditorComponent implements OnInit {
  quillConfiguration = QuillConfiguration
  @Input() control: FormControl

  ngOnInit() {
    this.control = this.control ?? new FormControl()
  [styles]="{'min-height': '120px'}"

See the result when I pair it inside a form. Work perfectly.

Angular Jira Clone Part 07 - Build a rich text editor


There is some small improvement that I leave it to you.

  • Set a border when focusing into the rich text editor
  • Implement ControlValueAccessor for the RichTextEditorComponent so that you can use both [ngModel] and formControl in a form :)

That’s all for a rich text editor with Angular. Any questions, you can leave it in the comment box below or reach me on Twitter. Thanks for stopping by!

Published 23 Oct 2020

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 — Angular Jira Clone Part 06 - Build a markdown text editor