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TypeScript - Property 'onerror' does not exist on type 'EventTarget'


Recently, I converted one legacy React component to TS, and this error starts to appear.

Property 'onerror' does not exist on type 'EventTarget'

  onError={(e) => {
    e.target.onerror = null;
    e.target.src = userDefaultPicture;
  alt="Profile Avatar"

Property 'onerror' does not exist on type 'EventTarget


By default an event target element has an EventTarget type in TypeScript. It has just a few properties that we can use, and most of the time, we will need to assert the event type to the correct type.


If I assert the type of the event target to HTMLImageElement, the TS error went away. The HTMLImageElement interface represents an HTML <img> element, providing the properties and methods used to manipulate image elements.

  onError={(e) => {
    (e.target as HTMLImageElement).onerror = null;
    (e.target as HTMLImageElement).src = userDefaultPicture;
  alt="Profile Avatar"
Published 3 Jul 2021

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