Wanna see something cool? Check out Angular Spotify 🎧

Another 1k stars repository: Angular Spotify

Angular Africa, 29 Jun 2021

It was a privilege for me to share my expertise on monorepo architecture with the enthusiastic Angular Africa community. The Angular APAC community, which is a part of Angular Nation, provided an exceptional platform for learning, discovering high-quality content, networking, and finding inspiration. This welcoming, diverse, and respectful community was founded by the incredible @bonnster75.

During our engaging session, we explored various aspects of monorepo architecture, including understanding Nx, introducing Angular Spotify, differentiating between Nx App and Lib, and discussing a sample structure. We delved deep into key elements of Angular development, such as OnPush Change Detection, async pipes, and SCAMs, with a particular focus on maintaining all elements within the libs folder. The exchange of insights during this session was truly enriching and left us all with valuable takeaways.

Another 1k stars repository: Angular Spotify